Diary Dates for the Autumn Term 2019

Thursday 5th Sept – Year 5 and Year 2 swimming starts
Monday 16th September – Clubs start
Tuesday 17th September – Year 5 and Year 6 trip to Eden Camp
Monday 23rd Sept – Parents Open Afternoon 3.15pm – 5.00pm
Friday 27th September – EYFS MacMillan Coffee Morning
Friday 4th October – Harvest Festival, All Saints Church, Hunmanby 10.00am start
Tuesday 8th October – EYFS Story Sharers 2.00pm
Thursday 10th October – World Mental Health and Well-being Day – whole school event
Thursday 24th October – School Discos – 6.00pm EYFS/KS1 and 7.15pm KS2
Half-Term – Monday 28th Oct – Friday 1st Nov
School Starts Back – Monday 4th November