Safeguarding Children Is Everyone’s Responsibility…
Jo Brown

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mrs Hall - Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

01262 672475 

Reverend Richard Hare

Safeguarding Governor 

Local Authority Designated Officer: 01482 392139
Safeguarding and Partnership Hub:

If you are concerned about the safety or wellbeing of any of our pupils, then you have a duty of care to report it immediately to one of our Safeguarding Leads.

During office hours (Monday to Thursday 08.30am and 5pm, Friday 8.30 am-4.30pm), you can contact SAPH by telephone on: (01482) 395500

Outside of office hours, please contact the Emergency Duty team: (01482) 393939

If a child is suffering abuse and requires urgent attention because of immediate danger, call the police on 999.

When's the right time to talk PANTS?

Every family is different, and when and where you have these conversations may depend on your child’s age, or how grown up they are – it’s all about whatever feels natural for you and them. Please access the link below for more really helpful information and a fun video to support an age appropriate way to raise awareness:

Some examples of times you can talk PANTS are:
  • After school – If they’ve had a lesson on personal relationships or Talk PANTS at school, ask them what they remember when they get home.
  • Bathtime – you could start a conversation when you’re running your child’s bath, or helping them get dressed.
  • Car journeys – this can be a great time to talk, and your child will have plenty of time to ask questions if they need.
  • Reading our new PANTS storybook together.
  • Singing – Sing along to our PANTS song with Pantosaurus!
  • Swimming – A great time to say that what’s covered by swimwear is private.
  • Walking – Walking home from school, or a weekend walk to the shops can help you both feel more at ease as you stroll and chat.
  • Watching TV – If a TV show features a sensitive storyline, you can encourage them to talk about anything that upsets them.
Childline are here for you, whatever’s on your mind. They’ll support you. Guide you. Help you make decisions that are right for you. You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, it’s better out than in. They’re here to support you. There are lots of different ways to speak to a Childline counsellor or get support from other young people. Tips and techniques, ideas and inspiration, can help you feel more in control. And you can access them in your own time, at your own pace! Childline also offers interactive resources which include Calm Zones and Mood Journals to support a pathway to feeling a bit more positive.  Please access the link below for more information to browse a huge range of support interventions and activities.

Online Safety

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online? Make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors -
CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to help keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. We help thousands of children and young people every year who have been in a similar situation to you. CEOP are unable to respond to reports about bullying, fake accounts or account hacking. Please refer to guidance in relation to children accessing Social Media. Age ratings of 13 are recommended for accessing Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Tik Tok, Twitter and Wink. The age rating for What’s App is 16. The link below provides further information which includes how to report accounts belonging to children under the age of 13.  
It is vitally important to monitor your child’s devices, their interaction with others and the content they may be exposed to. Please explore  some useful links and information noted in the NSPCC Website which provides guidance for children and parents to ensure all children remain safe and happy online.

The Family Link App supports parents to monitor their child’s devices in terms of usage, blocking and approving Apps, setting screen time limits and supervising content they have access to. Please see the link below to inform you of the effective ways children can be kept safe when accessing social media content, interacting with others and when gaming.

Domestic abuse can happen to anybody at any time, it is not discriminatory on age, sexual orientation, gender, background, or religion.Superintendent Phil Booker from the Protecting Vulnerable People Unit said: “Protecting vulnerable people continues to remain a high priority for us as a force, and that does not change during the summer holidays.“We take all incidents extremely seriously and we would encourage anyone who believes they have been a victim or witness domestic abuse, in any form, to contact us as soon as possible. To report domestic abuse call us on 101 or if you are in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police. If you can’t speak, press 55 on your mobile or remain silent on your landline while the operator is on the line.

Operation Encompass
We are an Operation Encompass School – One of the principles of Operation Encompass is  that all incidents of domestic abuse are shared with schools, not just those where an offence can be identified. Operation Encompass is an integral component in safeguarding and supporting children in schools. 
East Riding Contact Information:
Prevention of Domestic Abuse Service (PODAS) can be contacted via telephone on 01482 396708 or 396706.
Domestic Violence and Abuse Partnership (DVAP): Helpline: 01482 396368
Please access further information and support by clicking on the link below:
Relationships Matter
Helping families and couples (whether together or separated) understand and build healthy relationships.
Happy family relationships make us all feel good and help our children feel secure and loved. Often as a parent or carer, we are trying to juggle lots of things, and keep our own relationships as positive as can be. Sometimes all relationships can become difficult, and this may impact everyone.
Relationships Matter has been created to provide advice, tips, and support to help keep our relationships positive and to support parents and carers.
Please click on the link to access more information:  
Amity’s Little Book of Relationship Care is a little guide that has been put together by the relationship experts at Amity. Created this to explore thoughts about the relationship with your partner whether that be your husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend. Aimed to strengthen relationships during difficult times! How can this help me? Everyone has faced more challenges in recent times and therefore things might be difficult right now between you and your partner. You might be arguing more than you usually do, or your arguments might be worse than they normally are. Life can be really stressful and when we are stressed we might argue more and find it more difficult to resolve those arguments. This little guide will give you some tips on what to do and how to cope during times of stress and will help make your relationship stronger.
Early Help and Prevention

Introducing Penny Barrett, our allocated Family Support Practitioner will be on school site  every Tuesday afternoon until the end of this Summer Term. Penny will be available to chat, offer advice and support about understanding and responding to your child’s feelings and behaviours, encouraging development, reward systems and anything to do with being a parent that you want to ask!

Find out more about the Early Help and Prevention service that works with children and families 0 to 19 years (or 25 with SEND) across the whole of the East Riding of Yorkshire. Please access this link for further information:

Operation Snap
Operation Snap is a secure online platform that allows you to submit video evidence of driving offences that you or other members of the public have witnessed. Its purpose is to improve road safety and to prosecute those that place others at risk. The service has been produced with the support of the Department for Transport.

The online service allows Humberside Police to effectively deal with the footage recorded by members of the public in a safe and secure way, whilst making the investigation process simple and straightforward. We have a determined and robust approach to policing the roads and we’ll take every opportunity to make them safer for everyone. Please access the link below for more information relating to registering and reporting