East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Admissions Arrangements 2026-27
Following the end of the consultation on the School Admission Arrangements for 2026-27, the cabinet has met and approved the change of PAN. This change applies only from September 2026, and not for the current or next school year / intake.
What information is available about this change?
- There is an average of 45 pupils on roll across each year group
- The highest number of pupils on roll currently is 55 in Year 5. These pupils will have left the school by the time this proposed change is implemented.
- 34 of the pupils currently in Reception are resident in the school’s catchment area.
- In relation to future demand, pupil projections show that the highest forecast number on roll in reception is 40.
- The physical accommodation and built capacity of the school will not be reduced in such a way as to make the decrease irreversible in future years. All spaces that can be used as classrooms and teaching spaces will be used alternatively when not required as classrooms, but all shall be retained as potential future classrooms for the future needs of children.