Daily Routine

The school day begins at 8:50am and finishes at 3:20pm.

The doors to all classrooms will open from 8.40am to allow children to be ready for learning in their classroom. We begin each day with reading, so please ensure your children are on time and ready to learn.

Children in Y3 will be ready to collect at 3.20pm from the MUGA. This will enable staff to safely hand over children to parents/carers as they make their first steps in KS2.

Children in nursery and reception can be collected from 3.15pm to enable parents who may need to collect older siblings from other classes to be on the playground collection time.

The one way system will remain in place to enter and exit the school site and for parents to circulate the main building.

Nursery children have the option to stay a maximum of 32 hours and 30 minutes per school week.

Children in FS2 through to Year 6 have a total of 32 hours and 30 minutes per school week.

Prior to the school day beginning we have the following provision available:
Breakfast Club
This is held each morning from 8.00am. If you would like your child to attend, it costs £1.50 per session. This must be booked in advance via the school office.
Toast 'Grab and Go'
All children are welcome to ‘grab’ a slice of toast in the morning. These will be made available at your child’s entrance point before school.

Monday – Mrs Hall’s value assembly

Tuesday – Singing assembly

Wednesday – Attendance assembly

Thursday – Phase assembly

Friday – Celebration assembly

Morning Break
Each year group will have a staggered 15 minute morning break in their own zone on the playground or on the field.
Lunchtime will be served in the school hall for all year groups from 11:30am – 1pm.
After School Club

After School Club is held each afternoon from 3.15pm and runs until 5.15pm for children in reception through to year 6. If you would like your child to attend, it costs £5.00 per session, and each child will receive a snack.  Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis and must be booked and paid for by 9am on the day of attendance with the school office.