What does Art & Design look like at Hilderthorpe?

At Hilderthorpe Primary School, we follow the national curriculum for art and design, using the Kapow scheme of work. The school uses the Kapow scheme of work to support the teaching and learning of art and design. This ensures our curriculum is designed to progressively develop children’s skills.

Subject Leader

The subject leader for art and design is Mrs Jackson.
Art is exciting! We have lots of fun!

Betsy, Reception

Intent Statement

We believe that art and design stimulates pupil creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a way of understanding and responding to the world. Children are encouraged to use colour, pattern, texture, line, tone, shape, form, space and different materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think.

Through art, craft and design activities children learn to make informed value judgements and aesthetic and practical decisions, becoming actively involved in making images, objects and learning to shape their own environment. They explore, through discussion and the making of art, the ideas and meanings in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers. Children learn the part that art, craft and design plays in their own and others’ lives in contemporary life and in different times and cultures.

This enables children to become involved in, enjoy, understand and appreciate the visual arts which enriches their personal lives and enables them to understand the role they play in society.

Kapow: Key Information
  • Complete National Curriculum coverage

  • Progressive scheme of work from EYFS to Year 6

  • Broad and balanced curriculum that stretches and inspires children

  • Provides content and resources that are constantly being improved and refreshed

Teaching for Greater Depth

In the art and design curriculum, mastery is when a child is able to research an art movement or artist in greater depth and adapt ideas and process into their own art. They would display a higher level of technical skill with a broad range of tools and media and think of innovative ways to use this knowledge to enhance creativity and develop a style of their own. When evaluating their work, they are more analytical and work independently to assess and improve their art. They have a greater breadth of knowledge about artists and key art movements and can explain, make judgements and offer personal opinions about works of art.

Links to Real Life
  • Encourage children to experience art first hand by visiting local galleries in person or virtually or undertake artwork in the local environment
  • Look for opportunities to talk about and observe art e.g. in magazines, newspapers, on television and on the internet
  • Look for patterns and different colours in nature to explore tone and texture
  • Encourage children to engage in art activities at home. Allow them to test out and experiment with different forms of media
  • Explore local famous artists that will broaden children’s knowledge and understanding of art

Provision in art and design supports the general principles and procedures set out in the school’s Accessibility, SEND and Behaviour policies as well as the specific expectations laid down in the following guidelines.

For those children who are working below the expectations for their year or age group it is the responsibility of the class teacher, in liaison with the SENCo where necessary, to select learning objectives that match the attainment of the child and adapt the provision for those children appropriately.

Additional Documents