What does History look like at Hilderthorpe?

At Hilderthorpe Primary School, we follow the national curriculum for history, using high quality teacher planning ensuring a progression of skills. This is supported by Curriculum Visions.

Subject Leader

The subject leader for history is Mrs Wood.

I like history because we can see how people used to live and appreciate what we have now.

Scarlett, Year 6

Intent Statement

History is a vast subject covering many interesting time periods and at Hilderthorpe we believe we have created a curriculum that gives the children the chance to learn what it means to be a Historian by providing opportunities for children to explore through research; explorative visits and hands on experiences. Our curriculum brings the past to life for all of our children. We ensure children understand the history of their own local area of Bridlington and surrounding areas. We provide children with a rich historical knowledge and the skills of a historian that can be used throughout their time here and beyond.  Our mission is for all children to leave not only understanding the significance of History and the role of a Historian, but also to understand how it has shaped their world, but to also respect what has come before them.  

Key Information
  • The history curriculum has been created and written by the staff making it engaging and relevant for the children at Hilderthorpe
  • We aim to link the curriculum as much as possible to the local area and include relevant visitors and trips 
  • Children are covering a wide variety of historical periods across the school from the stone age right up to events in World War II
  • The history progression document is used as a resource in each year group to encourage independent learning and for the children to see what they will be learning throughout the year
Teaching for Greater Depth

Creating the opportunity for greater depth in history involves allowing children the independence to apply their learning at a deeper level. This means that children working at greater depth are expected to be able to show skills such as working independently and applying their skills and knowledge consistently, confidently and fluently. They can organise their ideas to make connections with other areas of learning and help them work with new areas. Children can clearly explain what they have been doing and why they know they are correct to others as well as teach others what they have learned to enable them to learn too. 

Children will be able to construct and explain historical arguments about why things happened and what its impact or consequences were, at a level appropriate to their year group. They can understand and talk about history from different viewpoints, understand different sources and why these might be different, at a level appropriate to their year group.

Links to Real Life

Children will have the opportunity to learn about the history of the area in which they live in such as Bridlington harbour and the links with Amy Johnson. 

It will give children knowledge of systems that have been developed and are still used today such as the roman invention of under floor heating. 

History will spark children’s interest in archaeology and architecture as well as the way of life people had in the past. 


Provision in history supports the general principles and procedures set out in the school’s Accessibility, SEND and Behaviour policies as well as the specific expectations laid down in the guidelines below. 

For those children who are working below the expectations for their year or age group it is the responsibility of the class teacher, in liaison with the SENDCo where necessary, to select learning objectives that match the attainment of the child and adapt the provision for those children appropriately.

Additional Documents