What does Music look like at Hilderthorpe?

At Hilderthorpe Primary School, we follow the National Curriculum for Music using a scheme of work written specifically for our children drawing on a wide range of resources and based upon the Model Music Curriculum.

Subject Leader

The subject leader for music is Mrs Gray.

I love it that we have a studio for Music because some schools don't have that. We are lucky!

Bonnie, Year 4

Intent Statement

At Hilderthorpe, we believe that music brings people together and improves the health and wellbeing of our community. We aim to ensure that every pupil develops their skills in music through a range of practical activities involving singing, playing instruments, composing and listening to a range of music from different times, places and cultures. It is intended that the pupils will be able to make use of the skills developed in a range of ways, for example through the further study of music at secondary school, undertaking instrumental lessons, through informal learning of an instrument or using technology to independently perform or create music for enjoyment.

Key Information

All children Key Stages One and Two have a curriculum music lesson of at least 45 minutes each week in a well-resourced and dedicated studio with a specialist teacher. In Key Stage One and Lower Key Stage Two, pupils are taught in mixed aged classes. Music is taught on a two year cycle across Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. This builds upon the musical foundations developed in the EYFS through continuous provision and whole class musical activities. Children also take part in a weekly whole school singing assembly.

The curriculum is designed to be relevant to our pupils, with the Sing Up used as the main foundation. In Key Stage Two, pupils also have the opportunity to learn the recorder as well as the ukulele and chair drumming, making use of the Musical Futures approach which is based upon popular music. We aim to develop transferable skills such as resilience, perseverance, concentration and teamwork, which can be applied in many different contexts.

Opportunities are provided for all children to participate in a range of musical events, both in school and in the community. Each summer, all children in KS1 and KS2 attend the Big Sing at Bridlington Spa and there are Harvest, Easter and Christmas services in which music plays an important role. Whole classes, small ensembles and individuals perform regularly in our assemblies. 

Curriculum music is supplemented by an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities such as choirs, instrumental groups and  music for wellbeing groups. We also have visiting teachers from the East Riding Schools Music Service who provide small group lessons in woodwind, violin, guitar, keyboard and drumming for pupils in upper Key Stage Two

Teaching for Greater Depth

In Music, we have very high expectations of all pupils. Pupils working at greater depth may demonstrate their skills in different ways:

  • Vocal and instrumental performances will show greater fluency, expression and an awareness of the audience and demonstrate more subtle use of the elements of music such as changes in dynamics and tempo.

  • Compositions will demonstrate a breadth of knowledge which is independently applied to create increasingly complex compositions.

  • Pupils have a wide ranging knowledge and are able to listen, identify and describe how composers have utilised differing elements of music using more advanced musical vocabulary.

Links to Real Life

The curriculum has been designed to be relevant to our pupils. Songs and topics in the EYFS and Key Stage One are based on themes relevant to the children’s lives. In Key Stage Two, some units are based upon the Musical Futures approach which uses popular music familiar to many of the children as the basis for musical learning.


Provision in music supports the general principles and procedures set out in the school’s Accessibility, SEND and Behaviour policies as well as the specific expectations laid down in the guidelines below. 

For those children who are working below the expectations for their year or age group the music teacher will liaise with the class teacher, and with the SENDCo where necessary, to select learning objectives that match the attainment of the child and adapt the provision for those children appropriately. We also have some adapted instruments, for example recorder+, to allow all pupils to take part in music

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