What does RE look like at Hilderthorpe?

At Hilderthorpe Primary School, we follow the East Riding agreed syllabus for Religion and Worldviews(RE).

We follow the agreed syllabus in order, keeping the units in their advised places as the units are aimed at specific age groups and show natural progression. The agreed syllabus builds on previous learning and each term has an overarching theme across it.

Subject Leader

The subject leader for RE is Mrs Tabor.

I like learning about different people and what they believe.

Willow, Year 1

Intent Statement

Through our teaching of RE, we want children to be able to: have a deeper understanding of religions and world views; understand the influences of modern technology on religious practices; be aware of religious diversity; express their opinions; to understand that it teaches them to contribute to their communities; to give them political, social, ethical and environmental knowledge; provoke challenging questions; prepare them for future experiences and responsibilities; teach them how culture can affect religion and to teach them how to respect other people and their beliefs. Through the connecting lenses of Theology, Philosophy and Social Sciences we present those all-important bridges from RE knowledge and curriculum content to relevant and deeper understanding of what faith and practice means not only to the believer but to the learner, regardless of their personal stance.

Key Information

We follow the agreed syllabus guidance for RE as it is ever changing and developing. We adapt the curriculum to meet the cohorts needs and their understanding of the different religions.

At least 50% of our teaching and learning focuses on Christianity. In KS1, we also study Judaism. In KS2, we continue to focus on Christianity whilst also encorporating Judaism and Islam as focus religions too. We also look at other worldviews, including those of humanism and 

Children are encouraged to explore both their own beliefs and world views, as well as those of others they may meet. The progressive nature of the agreed syllabus means that the key concepts are repeated throughout the programme. We encourage children to discuss and express their own thoughts and ideas, asking questions to build on their understanding.  

We study elements of theology, philosophy and social sciences across the full curriculum.

Teaching for Greater Depth

Children who are working at Greater Depth within Religious Education can:

  • Apply their learning to different contexts, including other areas of the curriculum.
  • Work independently
  • Apply their skills and knowledge consistently, confidently and fluently
  • Organise their ideas to make connections across the variety of religions taught
  • Use their ideas to help them work with new areas of learning and express their thoughts coherently
  • Discuss and reflect on bigger questions, involving specific religious beliefs, giving their own opinions confidently
  • Clearly explain what they have been doing and teach others what they have learned to enable them to learn too.
Links to Real Life

Within RE, many of our discussions involve understanding how our beliefs and practises affect us within real life. We try to access guest speakers and visitors from different religions, and we have built close relationships with Emmanual Church. Therefore, we are able to encourage all year groups to complete regular visits and activity workshops in collaboration with the church. 


We build children’s confidence through praise for relevant contributions to discussions that they make in a RE lesson. Children are encouraged to make progress through:

  • Using visual prompts/artefacts to aid children’s understanding of religious objects
  • Practical activities , discussions and interactive activities
  • Displays to remind children of key vocabulary

At Hilderthorpe, all members of teaching staff are provided with regular CPD, either within school delivered by Mrs Tabor or through an external provider. 

Hilderthorpe Primary School is also a member of the East Riding RE Hub. Here, we work collaboratively with other primary schools within the local area to support and develop good practice across Religious Education.

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