What does Reading look like at Hilderthorpe?

At Hilderthorpe Primary School, we follow the national curriculum for reading.  Our reading journey begins in the Early Years using the Read Write Inc (RWI) phonics programme of study.  In Key Stage1 children access RWI and Bug Club comprehension materials to expand their knowledge and love of reading. As children progress into Key Stage 2 they continue with the Bug Club journey through reading, whilst ensuring RWI access to support all children who need to secure their phonic knowledge in reading.  Reading Plus is our fully interactive personalised programme that is used independently to support reading fluency and build comprehension skills and strategies.  

Subject Leader

The subject leader for RWI Phonics is Miss Bailey.

The subject leader for reading is Mrs Hammond – Reid

Reading is like another world of fantasy - you can get lost between the words of every story.

Ailish, Year 6

Intent Statement

At Hilderthorpe Primary School, we believe that literacy and oracy should be at the heart of our curriculum. Our aim is to expose children to a wide and varied range of literature which provides challenge in terms of vocabulary and content. We want every child to leave Hilderthorpe School with a love of books and confidence in reading.  

Key Information

RWI phonics is a programme of study which begins in our Nursery. We believe that the children need to engage in early reading which includes listening to wonderful stories, rhymes and poems. We promote good listening and recall skills and encourage our parents to be involved in their children’s journey in reading. 

Bug Club is a series of books that we use to provide a robust whole class reading programme that uses a powerful and proven talk‑based approach to develop a deeper understanding of texts, regardless of each child’s decoding ability. They develop the reading skills in understanding and analysing the text to be able to justify and articulate their answers. Children are also encouraged to record their answers using evidence from the text.

Teaching for Greater Depth

Children who are greater depth will be able to work independently and can justify their answers using evidence from the text. They should be able to articulate reasons for their choice of answer, be able to relate it to real life and be able to articulate the path which led them to their conclusion. Based on their age and stage, they should be able to reach a conclusion basis on evidence and reasoning. Children who are greater depth should be able to think of an idea in a logical, sensible way and give reasons for their answers using evidence from the text and relate it to a real life example.

Links to Real Life

Children are encouraged to see how reading can open doors to their future. They are able to read for purpose and pleasure, making links across the curriculum and beyond.


Children are scaffolded and supported in their learning in every step of their reading  journey. Reading is embedded in our curriculum. Children are heard read regularly, on an individual basis, this ensures that children make progress through the scheme rapidly.

Children can access additional resources and interventions, including adult support, to ensure that they are on track and making progress through the primary curriculum. The curriculum is tailored to their individual needs and areas of development. 

Reading Plus

At Hilderthorpe, we are proud to say that our children are enthusiastic about reading! They have worked extremely hard over the last year to improve their reading skills and we have seen some impressive achievements with lots of certificates given out to acknowledge this. To build the children’s confidence and fluency in reading, we use a programme called Reading Plus to support their reading journey.

What is Reading Plus?

Reading Plus is a program for children that teaches them to be stronger readers. It does this by developing silent reading fluency (reading speed), then introducing more complex stories (for comprehension), and advanced vocabulary (for knowledge). Children have access to 800+ high quality online texts that are constantly updated and adapted to meet every child’s needs, regardless of what level they are reading at. Teachers can monitor exactly what and how children are reading, meaning they can offer the right kind of support when needed.

What will my child gain from using the program?
First and foremost, we hope that they will get a lot of enjoyment from using Reading Plus! The stories are short and engaging to keep levels of motivation high, and your child will read about many things outside of their normal scope of reading – anything from ‘What can one child do to save the world?’ to the future of AI. Your child will challenge themselves to become a better reader and in doing so, develop better reading habits. They will gain a greater understanding of what they have read and be better prepared for reading at speed for both enjoyment and learning.
How does Reading Plus work?
Children choose a text (typically 6-7 minutes in length) from a level appropriate to their reading ability. Once they finish the story, they answer ten questions to test their understanding of what they just read. Teachers can see reports detailing your child’s progress. Reading Plus is not meant to replace reading books, and Reading Plus is not just an eLibrary – the program is designed to teach your child to become a more efficient reader which will add to their enjoyment of reading independently – developing a lifelong love for reading.
How does my child log in?

Your school will have provided your child with a site code, a username and password. If you are unsure of any of these, please get in touch with your child’s teacher.

Does Reading Plus work on a laptop or an iPad?
Yes, Reading Plus runs on laptops and iPads as well as tablets, Chromebooks, desktops and MacBooks. We wouldn’t recommend using Reading Plus on a smart phone simply because the text is too small to read effectively.
Do I need to download an app?

Reading Plus doesn’t need an app to work – it’s all accessed through a secure website.

How long should my child be on Reading Plus?

Ideally every day for about 30 minutes (at home and in school combined), but at least 3 times a week. Little and often is best! 

Why does the program use the moving bar when my child reads the stories?

We call this the ‘Guided Window’. The Guided Window was developed to teach children to navigate across lines of text sequentially – this is sometimes called left to right scanning.

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